
Everything You Need to Know About Fine Pitch Sockets

What is a Fine Pitch Socket?

A fine pitch test socket is an electric socket that combines the precision technologies of spring probes and machining that enables fine pitch test solutions. A fine pitch socket consists of at least two opposing walls between the passageway for receiving an insert with contact pins which the walls have. The opposing walls of a fine pitch socket is made of a fiber reinforced flame resistant thermoplastic polymer composition.


A fine pitch socket is used for providing either or both temporary and permanent attachments of electronic components to a substrate that comes with interconnection circuits. The socket also comes with wells that contain a conductive fluid or paste for temporary attachment to the table of an electronic circuit.

The Uses and Properties

A fine pitch socket is used to provide a sustainable electrical contact while reducing ball damage for socket testing. They come with a new bow-type contact which provides a good linear force as well as a smooth and rounded contact tip that is capable of minimizing ball deformation.


For larger pitch size, fine pitch sockets also come in exceptional surface-mount technology or expanded versions. There are also fine pitch sockets that are produced in a standard base that includes a new guide frame and fastening to take in ICs (Integrated Circuit) in different sizes.


With the inclusion of opposing walls for a fine pitch socket, the pin insertion can be performed without damaging the socket and wall collapse upon reflow soldering is reduced, which causes lesser problems with pin insertion after reflow soldering. The absence of cracking and minimized wall collapse also leads to a good insertion and removal cycle of the insert, and enables fitting pin retaining force.

The Advantages of fine pitch sockets

There are a number of advantages that come with investing in fine pitch sockets. One of the key benefits is that a fine pitch socketed device can be installed and removed with ease in the area for maintenance, testing, replacing or upgrades.


Next, socketing devices such as fine pitch sockets can help reduce in-process inventory by making it possible to install devices during its final assembly. A fine pitch socket can also help manufacturers to standardize assembly procedures. And in the events of overseas manufacture, using a socketing device can help prevent tariffs on partial assemblies.


The use of fine pitch sockets enables companies to test, evaluate as well as check a complete system’s elements without permanent installation. This advantage is especially useful and important for when one is dealing with new devices or with new and/or complex systems.

The Downsides of Manufacturing fine pitch sockets

One disadvantage that can be seen in the manufacturing of fine pitch sockets is that it is more difficult to fill the molds, this could affect the mechanical properties during the pin insertion process. Furthermore, the reflow soldering side walls of the DDR (Double Data Rate) connector tilt towards the center of the connector, and this would require a much higher pressure to insure and remove the memory module. These manufacturing mishaps can lead to the damage of the module or the socket.


Overall, there is a lot of information one should know about fine pitch sockets as they play a critical role in our daily use of technologies and electric sockets. If you are interested in finding a fine pitch socket manufacturer, Testing Tools Solutions Group provides a range of fine pitch sockets that are of high quality and effective.